
Titanic Sinking ~ Sinking Of The Titanic

According to accounts from surviving Titanic passengers, the RMS Titanic sank at approximately 2:20 a.m. on April 15, 1912.

These Titanic facts are undisputed: Three hours earlier, at approximately 11:30 p.m. on April 14, 1912, the Titanic had hit a massive iceberg that slashed a 300-foot hole in the side of its hull.

The disaster occurred near Newfoundland (the exact location of the shipwreck was pinpointed in 1985), while the Titanic was on its maiden voyage from Southampton in England to New York City in America.

In the history of the Titanic, there are constant references to the term “unsinkable.” This designation can be traced back to Shipbuilder magazine, which called the “Olympic Liners” (a class of ship which the Titanic fell under) “practically unsinkable.” The Titanic’s design, with 15 separate watertight compartments and doors that separated them, was meant to prevent sinking. However, when the large gash caused the Titanic to take on water, five compartments soon filled, because there was nothing in the design to keep water from gushing from one compartment to the next. The bow of the Titanic continued to drop, causing the ship to tilt vertically.

At approximately 2:20 a.m., the bow of the Titanic plunged underwater and loud noises were heard as everything inside the Titanic crashed toward the bow. The ships light blinked once, then went out, followed by the Titanic snapping in half and the stern crashing into the Atlantic.

When the Titanic sank, there were approximately 2,222 people on board (including passengers and crew), and only 705 survived.

The rest perished in the frozen waters, under a clear, moonless sky.